Friday, August 5, 2011

Welcome to English 205 (2:00 MWF)

Welcome to English 205-005. This is our class blog. Each week I will post three questions about the assigned reading. You will post a comment on one of these questions. Usually, you will post a 250-350 word comment which both quotes from the text and references a comment by another student. This week, however, our purpose is simply to find the blog and select a pseudonym (your blog name). So comment in a sentence or two to one of the following questions, using the pseudonym you've selected. Do not use your real name or anything that might enable another student to guess your identity (no geographic origin, club membership, sports team, hobby, etc.) Remember--your keep your pseudonym a secret! Here are the questions: 1. Who is your favorite British author, and why? 2. Have you read Beowulf before? If so, what was the most memorable thing about it to you? 3. Which era of British literature is your favorite (or least favorite), and why? Post your short comment below, before Monday's class.


  1. My favorite British author is Chaucer, because I really enjoyed analyzing the Canterbury Tales. I started Beowulf once in high school but never finished it. I don't think I have a favorite era yet, but hopefully by the end of this semester I will.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My favorite British author is probably Shakespeare because I like interpreting his work. I have read Beowulf but only certain parts of it so it is a little blurry for me. And my favorite era of British literature would be the Shakespearean era because I like his work and sonnets.

  4. I can only name a few British authors but I have been exposed to and am familiarized with Shakespeare the most; I suppose that makes him my favorite. But I also enjoy Chaucer. I read bits and pieces of Beowulf my Senior year of high school but all that stuck with me was Danes, Vikings, and a "big monster".Lastly, I like the Victorian period around the time Jane Eyre was written.

  5. My favorite British author is Mary Shelley. She is the mother of science fiction, and I find her inspiring as a woman author.
